How about returning to Golden Age?
Hand - carved log buildings
Golden Tree now operates under the name Golden Wooden House Ltd. Golden Wooden House is a family business that does things with a golden attitude. Our vision and passion are all beautifully and well done, be it buildings, gardens or human lives. We want to be creating homes and places that are good to be in.

How about returning to Golden Age?

Juha Ravela
Juha Ravela is a restoration- and log builder and an HVAC –professional. Close to his heart is restoring old buildings to new glory and creating all things new, beautiful and lasting. Juha tends to do everything he puts his hands into especially well and in meticulous way.
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Kultainen Puutalo Oy
Postal address
Karjakatu 7
90130 Oulu
Visiting adress
Muovitehtaantie 5
044 9871523
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